Board of Trustees Bylaws
Article I – Name
This organization shall be called the “Park County Library Board of Trustees,” aka the “Library Board” existing by the provisions of C.R. S., Title 24, Article 90 (rev. 08/05/09), and exercising the powers and authority and assuming the responsibilities delegated to a Board of Trustees under the statutes and as specified by Park County Board of Commissioners Resolution No. 2004-30.
Article II – Trustees
In addition to provisions of the Colorado Revised Statutes, the following shall apply to trustees of the Library Board. The Library Board shall consist of seven Trustees plus ex-officio members as appointed. Their terms of office shall be for two years. Trustees may serve two consecutive terms. After reaching the limit, a Trustee must take a one-year break before becoming eligible for reappointment. Trustees may have renewable terms, which allow them to be appointed for additional terms based on circumstances. To maintain continuity while allowing for periodic changes, Trustees are appointed for staggered terms, with a portion of the Library Board up for reappointment or replacement each year. Their appointment shall be non-political. These Trustees shall represent all geographical areas of the county. The Trustees shall be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. The Library Board and Library Manager may offer recommendations for appointments, which shall be advisory only.
In the event of the death, disability, or resignation of a Trustee, recommendations shall be made by the Library Board and the Library Manager to the County Commissioners for the appointment of a Trustee to fill the unexpired term. The Board of County Commissioners may remove a Trustee upon notification of cause and a formal recommendation by the Library Board. Just cause may consist of but not be limited to the following: three consecutive unexcused absences or behavior judged by the Library Board to be counterproductive to the mission and intent of the Park County Libraries.
Qualifications for membership on the Library Board shall include interest in library services and the growth and development of the libraries in their community.
- Availability
- Dependability
- Willingness and desire to serve
- Residence in Park County
- Adherence to the Ethics Statement for Library Trustees and the Park County Public Libraries’ Mission Statement
Article III – Officers
Section 1. The Library Board’s officers shall be a President, a Vice President, and a Secretary. These officers shall be nominated and elected from the appointed Trustees at the November meeting of the Library Board.
Section 2. Officers of the Library Board shall serve a term of two years, beginning with the annual meeting of the Library Board at which they are elected. If an officer resigns or leaves the Library Board for another reason, the President shall name a successor from eligible Trustees. The President shall preside at all Library Board meetings and vote on issues. The Vice President shall chair any meetings in the absence of the President. If the President cannot complete the term of office, the Vice President will serve as President until the following officer election. The Secretary shall keep the Library Board’s minutes and perform other functions as directed by the Library Board. A copy of the minutes shall be provided to each Trustee and open to public inspection at least one week before the meeting.
Section 3. A quorum for the business transaction at any meeting shall consist of a majority (four) of the members of the Library Board. Most of the Trustees present at the meeting must approve any action by the Library Board at any meeting.
Section 4. Signatory authority shall rest with the Library Manager, President, and Vice President.
Article IV – Meetings
Section 1. The library board shall hold bi-monthly meetings (January, March, May, July, September, and November) as necessary. The locations of the meetings will rotate among the libraries. The Library Manager shall provide a copy of the agenda to each Trustee at least one week before the following meeting.
Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the Secretary of the Library Board at the direction of the President or upon the request of any three Trustees for the transaction of business as stated in the call of that meeting. At least one week before the meeting date, the Secretary shall prepare a notification in writing and mail to all Trustees and other persons interested in the conferences or essential to the subject matter to be discussed.
Section 3. All Library Board meetings shall be open to the public. The Library Manager shall post notice of the current meeting time and place and a copy of the previous meeting minutes at each library in the county and at county offices at least 24 hours before the meeting.
Article V – Financial
Section 1. The Library Board shall maintain awareness of budget proceedings for the Park County Library System and work with the Library Manager to provide input for their budget negotiations with the County representatives.
Section 2. The Library Board shall work with the Library Manager to identify outside funding sources and assist in obtaining and expanding such funds to improve and expand library facilities.
Article VI – Librarian and Staff
Section 1. When necessary, the Library Board shall recommend a qualified candidate for Library Manager to the Board of County Commissioners, who shall be the administrative manager of the Park County Libraries on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners.
Section 2. The Library Board will provide input for the annual Board of County Commissioners’ performance evaluation of the Library Manager.
Section 3. The Library Manager shall be responsible for the proper direction and supervision of the library staff for all county libraries, for the efficiency of library service to the public, and for the financial operation of the library within the budget limitations.
Article VII – Committees
The President of the Library Board shall appoint committees for specific purposes as the Library Board’s business may require from time to time. A committee shall be discharged upon completion of its appointed purposes and after a final report is made to the Library Board.
Article VIII – General
Section 1. The Bylaws of the Park County Library Board of Trustees may be amended by the majority vote of all Trustees of this Board, provided written notice of the proposed amendment is mailed to all Trustees at least ten days before the meeting at which such action is proposed.
Section 2. Any rule or resolution of the Library Board, whether contained in these Bylaws or otherwise, may be suspended temporarily in connection with the business at hand. Still, to be valid, such suspension may be taken only at a meeting at which at least a majority of the Trustees shall be present and so approve.
Section 3. No individual Library Board member has the authority to take personal action or make an independent judgment on any matter that the Library Board has not decided.
Article IX – Anti-Discrimination
The Park County Library System is an Equal Opportunity Employer. It does not discriminate against trustees, employees, or patrons based on race, color, creed, religion, national origin, age, gender, pregnancy, disability, veteran status, political affiliation, or sexual orientation.
The Park County Public Library Board of Trustees approved Oct. 15th, 2024