Library Policies


Library Use

Park County Public Libraries support the rights of all individuals to free and equal access to information and use of the libraries without discrimination, intimidation, threat of harm, or invasion of privacy. The PCPL is dedicated to providing friendly, courteous, and respectful service.

The goal of the PCPL is to provide an enjoyable, clean, comfortable, and welcoming environment for all library users. Mutual respect makes it possible for everyone to enjoy library materials and services. We ask library users to be respectful of each other and behave in a manner that does not disrupt other library users or interfere with normal operation of the Library. Examples of disruptive behaviors include but are not limited to:

  • Using profane, obscene, or abusive language, including racial, ethnic, or other epithets.
  • Creating unreasonable noise and engaging in boisterous activity.
  • Using audible devices without headphones or using headphones set at a volume that disturbs others.
  • Using any communication device in a manner that disturbs others.
  • Running, pushing, fighting, or shoving.
  • Operating roller skates, cycles, skateboards, scooters, or other similar devices inside the library.
  • Removing library property without proper checkout.
  • Failing to comply with a reasonable staff request or failure to leave the library during emergencies and at closing time.

The role of the PCPL is to maintain a healthy and clean environment for all library users. Consuming food or beverages in public areas of the library is allowed in accordance with guidelines. Examples of behaviors that are not conducive to providing a clean and hygienic environment include but are not limited to:

  • Personal hygiene that poses a health risk or is offensive so as to constitute a nuisance to other patrons.
  • Smoking, chewing tobacco or other tobacco use.
  • Dressing improperly including not wearing shoes or a shirt.
  • Bringing animals inside library buildings, with the exception of service animals and those allowed during special library programs.
  • Using restrooms for bathing or washing of clothes.

The role of the PCPL is to protect collections, equipment, and property for present and future users. Intentionally damaging, destroying or stealing any materials, equipment or property belonging to the libraries or another customer or staff member is prohibited. Library users are advised to keep personal belongings with them at all times.

The role of the PCPL is to ensure a safe and secure environment. Committing or attempting to commit any activity that would constitute a violation of any federal, state or local criminal law or ordinance is prohibited on county property. Examples of prohibited activities include but are not limited to:

  • Sexual, physical, or other harassment.
  • Theft of any library material.
  • Possessing, selling, or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.
  • Engaging in peeping, stalking, or indecent exposure.
  • Soliciting, panhandling, or gambling on library property.
  • Trespassing or entering library property when banned or prohibited   via county and state regulations.

Enforcement of the Library Use Policy will be conducted in a fair and reasonable manner. Library staff, Fairplay Police Department, and/or the Park County Sheriff’s Office will intervene to stop prohibited activities and behaviors. Individuals who fail to observe the Library Use Policy may be asked to leave the library building and property, be banned from the library for a period of time, be subject to arrest, or be subject to other lawful action.

*Refer to attachment concerning the Suspension of Library Privileges.

Children in the Library

Children 12 years and under must be accompanied by an adult.

If they are unattended and become a problem, then the librarian may handle the problem appropriately for the situation.

If unaccompanied children older than 12 years become disruptive to other patrons and will not refrain after requests by the librarian, the librarian may request that this patron leave the library.  Repeated offenses may lead to revoked privileges.

Phone Use

Cell phones are permitted in the libraries with the reminder that this is a library and volume and duration of calls should be limited.  Library phones are for staff use only or at the librarian’s discretion.

Internet Use

If under 18 years old, a parent or guardian signed permission slip on file.

Before logging on to PCPL computers for the first time the user must read the Park County Internet policy posted in the library and shown as an appendix to this manual.

All computer users must sign in before using the computer.  When other patrons are waiting for the computers the time is limited to 30 minutes.

Unacceptable use of the library’s electronic resources includes but is not limited to:

  • Disruptive behavior in the vicinity of computer workstations.
  • Destruction of or damage to, equipment, software, or data belonging to the library or other users.
  • Interference with or disruption of network users, services, or equipment.
  • Unauthorized monitoring of electronic communications.
  • Violation of computer system security or integrity.
  • Use of the network to make unauthorized entry to any other machine accessible via the library’s networks.
  • Propagation of computer worms or viruses
  • Unauthorized use of computer accounts, access codes, or network identification numbers assigned to others.
  • Violation of software license agreements.
  • Violation of copyright laws.
  • Violation of network usage policies and regulations.
  • Falsification of one’s age to gain access to Internet sites.
  • Distribution of unsolicited advertising.
  • Violation of another user’s privacy.
  • Viewing obscene material.
  • Violation of federal, state, or local laws.

The Internet contains a wide variety of material and opinions from various points of view.  Not all sources provide information that is accurate, complete, or current and some information may be considered offensive or inappropriate for certain age groups.  While the library is sensitive to the concerns of patrons about Internet content, no one, including Library Staff, can control the information available on the Internet.  Each individual is responsible for his or her own use of the Internet.

Borrowing Privileges

Any US resident is eligible for a Park County Public Library card with a picture ID and proof of physical address. Children under the age of 18 may hold a library card with a parent or guardian signature, parent or guardian picture ID, and proof of address.

Acceptable forms of picture identification are:

  • Driver’s license
  • Government issued ID card
  • US Passport

Acceptable forms of proof of physical address, if not shown on the picture ID, are:

  • Utility bill (phone, electric, etc.)
  • Vehicle registration

Park County Library cards are valid at all Park County Public Libraries.  Park County Library cards are also valid outside of Park County at other libraries within their regulations.

The Park County Public Library offers reciprocal borrowing privileges

to non-PCPL residents who are Colorado Libraries Collaborate (CLC) program participants.

PCPL also provides library services to seasonal residents.

Borrowing privileges will be revoked due to outstanding or unresolved materials, or if the patron is a habitual offender of library policies.

Borrower’s Agreement

Cardholders may borrow circulating materials, including but not limited to books, DVDs, CDs, and magazines.

Only the person to whom it has been issued may use the card. The card holder shall be responsible for:

  • Returning all borrowed materials in good condition.
  • Paying for damaged or lost materials.
  • Reporting a lost or stolen card immediately.
  • Reporting promptly any changes in name, address, or phone numbers.

Parents or guardians of a minor library cardholder agree to be responsible for the above and to teach their child library rules and guidelines to help in the use of his or her card.

Online Catalog at

Park County Public Libraries offer online service for their patrons.  Access to the patron’s record is through use of the patron’s barcode number, shown on the back of their library card.  The patron may examine his or her own library card record to see what items are currently checked out.  Holds, renewals and searches for items within the Park County Public Library system are also possible online.


If a patron wishes to borrow an item that is not on the shelf, he or she may place it on hold by using the online AspenCat catalog or with the assistance of the librarian through Prospector.  The patron will be notified by telephone or email when the library material is available.

Specific details on hold items will not be left on an answering machine or given to a family member.  Specific information is only given to the particular patron for privacy reasons.  Items on reserve must be picked up within 10 working days of notification.

Interlibrary Loans

Items not available at the local library may be obtained by that library through AspenCat or Prospector.  The librarian will assist when necessary to complete the transaction for patrons to borrow an item from another library.

PCPL Circulation Policy

There is a limit of 100 items per borrower at any time. Renewals are automatic unless there is a hold on the item. Items may be returned at the circulation desk during library hours or in the drop box outside when the library is closed.

ItemLoan PeriodRenewalsLost or Damaged Materials
Books3 weeks3 weeks, if not on reserveReplacement cost
Audio Books 3 weeks3 weeks, if not on reserveReplacement cost
DVDs3 weeks3 weeks, if not on reserveReplacement cost
NEW Items In all sections3 weeksNo renewal Keep in house for 90 days.Replacement cost
Early Childhood & Elementary Age Materials3 weeks3 weeks, if not on reserveReplacement cost
Within County Interlibrary Loans3 weeks3 weeks, if not on reserveReplacement cost
Electronics that are CIPA certified2 weeks2 weeks, if not on reserveReplacement cost
Manual checkout items & Lendable Kits2 weeks2 weeks, if not on reserveReplacement cost
CO. State Park Passes           & Experience Passes *Bailey2 weeks   10 daysNo renewalReplacement via CDE regulations
Reference MaterialsIn library use onlyNo charge for first 10 copies made for research purposes (Normal copying fees apply after that.) 
  • Holds: Items on hold must be picked up within 10 working days of notification
  • Lost or Damaged Materials: Patrons will be billed for lost or damaged material. If the item is returned after replacement by the library and is in good condition, the cost of the item is refunded. 
  • Electronic Equipment for Home Use: In order to check out electronic equipment for home use, the borrower must be a Park County resident, have a current library account that is in good standing, and sign a PCPL agreement policy. Exceptions may be considered by the Branch Manager.
  • Minors: Parents of a minor library cardholder agree to be responsible for the above and teach their child library rules and guidelines to help in the use of the child’s card.

Meeting Rooms / Reserve-able Spaces Policy

Park County Public Libraries provide meeting spaces for public use at all four branches. The Park County Public Library adheres to the Library Bill of Rights:  and makes its meeting rooms and facilities available to the public on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting use. Use of the meeting room or facilities by any group or organization does not constitute an endorsement by the Park County Public Board of Trustees of that group’s policies or beliefs.

The meeting rooms and branch facilities are available to groups and organizations in accordance with policies established by the Park County Public Library Board of Trustees.  Meeting spaces at all branches are available during library hours and when those libraries are closed as long as a staff member is present. The meeting space in Bailey does not require a staff member to be present during closed hours because entrance to the library is locked.

Publicity for events held in library meeting rooms and reserved spaces shall not imply endorsement or sponsorship by Park County Public Libraries, and must include the following statement: “This event is not endorsed or sponsored by Park County Public Libraries.”

No fees are charged for the following meetings held during library hours:

  • Library sponsored activities.
  • Non-profit and community group meetings.

Fees are charged for the following:

  • Fundraising events, excluding Library Fundraisers.
  • Social functions, such as, but not limited to showers, anniversaries, birthdays, funerals, and weddings.
  • Approval through Park County Facilities Dept. is required for the use of the Bailey meeting room. Online reservations can be made at: Select: Services>Facilities>Bailey Library Meeting Room to make a reservation. Reservations cannot be made via telephone for the Bailey Library meeting room.
  • No use or rental is allowed for any business for the purpose of engaging in commercial, profit making activities.

The fee will be $20 per hour.  This will cover costs for utilities and staffing.  A $50 refundable deposit must be provided at the time of application by any group reserving the space when the library is closed.  The PCPL will retain that deposit for cleaning, repairs, or replacements due to damage or unclean conditions that may occur. Damages and/or necessary cleaning in excess of $50 will be billed to that group.  If no additional cleaning, repairs, or replacements are needed, the deposit will be refunded.

  • Priority will be given to all library related meetings and functions.
  • Reservations will require the group name, a contact person, the contact person’s telephone number, the size of the group, the date and time (including set-up and clean-up time) of the event, equipment needed, and provisions for supervising children.
  • Groups are responsible for setting up and then leaving the premises clean and in good repair.  All surplus food, trash, beverages, and supplies shall be removed immediately following the event.  When the event ends the group is responsible for returning the room to its original condition.
  • The library will not be responsible for anything left in the building.
  • PCPL and its staff assume no responsibility or liability for the safety of persons attending events not sponsored by the library, for their personal effects, or their equipment or materials.
  • Meeting attendees are subject to the Patron Code of Conduct and programs must not disrupt library operations.
  • Use of tobacco or marijuana products, including chewing tobacco, synthetic tobacco products, vaping, or other electronic (smokeless, or their equivalent) or cigarettes is prohibited on library property.
  • Alcoholic beverages are permitted when the library is closed and a special use permit has been granted by Park County and/or consent from County Management.  A copy of the permit must accompany the application.

It is the responsibility of the group to notify the library branch immediately if a scheduled meeting is changed or canceled; to give notice when a standing reservation is no longer needed and give notice if the telephone number of the group’s contact person changes.

Failure to comply with these terms and conditions will result in denying the person or organization future use of the facility.  Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Library Director.

Bulletin Boards

Community events, health fairs, non-profit organizations, school activities and programs may be posted on the bulletin board.  No advertising of a political or religious nature may be posted on the bulletin board or elsewhere in the libraries. No notices for private gain are to be posted.


Books, magazines, plants, pictures, money, etc. may be accepted and a receipt will be given.  The donor will determine monetary value.  Once donated, items are to be used at the librarian’s discretion.  Items may be placed in circulation, used in a sale to profit the library, or donated to another library.  The donor may earmark money for a specific purpose.

Donations that are not to become assets of Park County Public Libraries may be designated as provided for the library’s temporary use for an indefinite time period.  This should be noted on the item and in a letter to file for the library

Privacy of User Records

Colorado General Assembly
CO Rev Stat 24-90-119 Privacy of user records

(1)   Except as set forth in subsection (2) of this section, a publicly-supported library shall not disclose any record or other information that identifies a person as having requested or obtained specific materials or service or as otherwise having used the library.

(2)   Records may be disclosed in the following instances:

            (a) When necessary for the reasonable operation of the library.

            (b) Upon written consent of the user.

            (c) Pursuant to subpoena, upon court order, or where otherwise required by law.

            (d) To a custodial parent or legal guardian who has access to a minor’s library card or its’ authorization number for the purpose of accessing by electronic means library records of the minor.

(3) Any library official, employee, or volunteer who discloses information in violation of this section commits a class 2 petty offense and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars.

CO Rev Stat 24-72-204 Allowance or denial of inspection – grounds – procedure – appeal.

(3)(a) The custodian shall deny the right of inspection of the following records, unless otherwise provided by law; except that any of the following records, other than letters of reference concerning employment, licensing, or issuance of permits, shall be available to the person in interest under this subsection (3)

            (V) Library and museum material contributed by private persons to the extent of any limitations placed    there on as conditions of such contributions.

             (VII) Library records disclosing the identity of a user as prohibited by section 24-90-119.

As Amended 5.7.2023

Suspension of Library Privileges Notification & Appeal Process

If a patron violates a Park County Public Libraries’ (PCPL) policy, any Park County Public Libraries staff member may ask them to leave for the day.  The patron will be verbally notified of the reason and will be asked to depart the library facility for the remainder of the day.  The patron will be welcome to return on the next open day of business.  Patrons who refuse to comply with the one-day notification or return to the facility the same day, may then have their library privileges suspended.

At the recommendation of library staff and Branch Manager, the Park County Manager and Park County Public Library Manager or designee will issue a letter to the patron specifying the behavior that violated policy. Suspension of library privileges from all county libraries may include a suspension time of up to one year.

Any patron who has had his or her library privileges suspended may appeal in writing to the Park County Manager.  An appeal petition must be mailed to: Park County Manager at P.O. Box 592, Fairplay, CO 80440, or delivered to 856 Castello Ave., Fairplay, CO within 15 days of the suspension.  The appeal must include all reasons the patron believes he or she is not in violation of PCPL’s policies. 

A patron with suspended privileges and a denied appeal is welcome to resubmit an appeal through the process later if they have remedied or successfully addressed the cause of the original suspension.

Rev 4.26. 2023

Approved by County Manager, Thomas Eisenman

Adopted by PCPL Board of Trustees 5.7.2023

Collection Development Policy

Our dedicated staff at Park County Public Libraries (PCPL) provides free and convenient access to diverse viewpoints, opinions, and ideas. Their decisions, guided by this policy, ensure that our collections remain valuable, relevant, current, and integral to the diverse communities we serve.

PCPL recognizes that it is impossible to collect all the published data. Physical space and a finite budget will limit what we can purchase for the residents of Park County. However, PCPL is committed to providing a collection that meets our communities’ educational, recreational, cultural, and informational needs. These needs are determined by circulation statistics, community demographic information, surveys, patron requests, and professional judgment based on events and trends within the community.

Selection Criteria

Not all criteria need to be met for materials to be selected, but because of budget and space limitations, materials that meet most of the requirements will be prioritized. Standards and criteria employed for selection decisions include:

Demonstrated interest, need, or demand by current or potential patrons, including patron requests

  • Contemporary significance, widespread interest, or permanent value
  • Relevance to the experiences and interests of Park County residents
  • Quality, accuracy, clarity, and usability
  • Critics’ reviews or peer reviews
  • Significance of the creators, including their popularity and authority
  • Recent publication date or currency
  • Format, durability, and ease of use
  • Scarcity or availability of materials elsewhere
  • Value of resource concerning its cost
  • Physical space required for shelving and display
  • Local significance or interest
  • Locally produced or created content

Scope of Collection

  • While supporting PCPL’s mission, values, and strategic roadmap, the most potent influences on the library’s collection are widespread interest and current usage
  • PCPL collects materials in various popular physical and electronic formats.
  • PCPL’s collection provides materials reflecting a variety of viewpoints, as availability allows. PCPL supports free and open access to information and ideas as stated in the Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to Read, and the Freedom to View policies of the American Library Association.

Per the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights: “Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.” Selection of materials does not constitute or imply agreement with or approval of the content, viewpoint, implications, or presentation of the materials.

  • Materials for children and teenagers are intended to broaden their vision, support recreational reading, encourage and facilitate reading skills, supplement their educational needs, stimulate and widen their interests, lead to recognition and appreciation of literature, and reflect the diversity of the community and our world. It is the parent(s), and only the parent(s), responsible for guiding their children, and only their own children, in using and accessing library materials.
  • The collection is not archival, except for materials in the Colorado Section, and is reviewed regularly.

Purchase Suggestions

We encourage Park County residents to participate in building a collection that accurately reflects the community’s needs and interests. Residents can suggest titles for purchase. All suggestions will be reviewed using the criteria outlined above.

Resource Sharing

PCPL participates in several cooperative resource-sharing networks, including AspenCat, Prospector, and an interlibrary loan service, to expand the range of materials available to patrons while minimizing duplication of infrequently used materials already owned by other libraries.

Gifts and Donations

All donations become the property of PCPL. Designated library staff decide whether to retain gift items. Donations of money for the purchase of materials are always welcome. Suggestions of specific titles or subjects to be purchased with donated funds will be honored whenever possible and in keeping with this Collection Development Policy. PCPL does not appraise gifts or provide evaluations for tax deductions or other purposes but will acknowledge receipt of gifts in writing if the donor requests.

Retention and Deselection of Materials

To maintain a collection of current and relevant library materials that meet the needs of Park County residents, library staff assess materials for retention. The standards and criteria employed for retention decisions include:

  • Condition
  • Popularity
  • Currency
  • Availability elsewhere
  • Number of copies in the collection

Withdrawn materials are dispensed of in various ways, including donations to other entities, used book sales, waste disposal, and recycling programs.

Responsibility for Selection

The Park County Libraries Board of Trustees delegates to the Library Manager the authority and responsibility for selecting and managing all collections within the framework of this policy. The Library Manager entrusts these responsibilities to professional staff on the Collection Management team.

Reconsideration of Library Materials

In accordance with Senate Bill 24-216, Park County Libraries fully supports and believes in the freedom of information for all and, therefore, does not practice censorship. Notwithstanding, community members can challenge PCPL to reconsider library materials.

All requests to reconsider materials must be written in writing using PCPL’s Request for Reconsideration form, available at any Park County Library location and online: Completed forms go to designated staff who review the request about the library’s written policies. Individuals may submit up to five Requests for Reconsideration forms per month. Only forms filled out in full by Park County residents will be given full consideration and review. The Library Manager then reviews the request and replies in writing within thirty days of receipt. The Library Board of Trustees will be notified of all Requests for Reconsideration received. The item in question will not be removed from the shelf during reconsideration.


  • PCPL Library Manager: Rita Mick
  • PCPL Board President: Barbara Hickok
  • PCPL Board Secretary: Tonya Favinger

Request for Reconsideration Policy

An individual who is concerned about the appropriateness of items on the list below or is unsatisfied with the response from an informal discussion with a library staff member about library resources, programs, exhibitions, or displays may choose to make a formal request for reconsideration of the work in question provided they meet requirements of this policy.

  • Library materials or resources
  • Library programs and library-sponsored programs
  • Library exhibitions
  • Library displays

Request Eligibility

  • Only individuals who reside in Park County are eligible to submit a written request for reconsideration to the library director by completing a Request for Reconsideration


  • Anonymous or incomplete requests will not be accepted.
  • A separate Request for Reconsideration Form must be submitted for each library material, resource, program, exhibition, or display.
  • Request forms may be delivered to a library staff person at any PCPL location, submitted online at, or sent via U.S. mail at:
    • Park County Public Libraries Library Manager
      PO Box 592
      Fairplay, CO 80440

Request Review Process and Resolution

Upon receipt of a valid Request for Reconsideration Form, the Library Manager will appoint a staff committee to review and evaluate the request using the Collection Development Policy criteria. A committee member will contact the individual to acknowledge receipt of the form and discuss the request. Programs, exhibitions, or displays under reconsideration will not be canceled, paused, or modified during the process, and library materials or resources under reconsideration will not be removed from the collection.

After its evaluation, the committee recommends a written response to the request to the Library Manager. The Library Manager decides on a resolution for the request based on the committee’s recommendation and sends a written response to the requestor within 30 business days of the date the request is received. The request and the Manager’s decision will be issued to the Park County Public Advisory Board of Trustees and become public records. The Library Manager’s decision regarding a reconsideration request is final.

Adopted by the Park County Public Library Advisory Board of Trustees 10/17/2024