By Colorado Library Law, public libraries are required to have a Library Board of Trustees. Park County has seven members on this board with representation for each established library in the county. The board’s purpose is to work with the Libraries Manager in establishing library policy, advising the Libraries Manager on matters of library direction and service to the communities. The library board works with the Board of County Commissioners in making recommendations for the library budget and in personnel issues, such as employment of a Libraries Manager and annual personnel review.

The Board of County Commissioners is directly responsible for the Park County Public Libraries and supervision of the Libraries Manager.

President: Barbara Hickok – Lake George

Vice President: Elaine Rocksted – Guffey

Secretary: Tonya Favinger – Lake George

Fairplay: Jan Buchanan

Fairplay: Carol Davis

Bailey: Andrew Shroeder

Bailey: Ed Winter

Board Meetings are held quarterly on the third Tuesday of the month at 11:00 a.m. and are open to the public. The location rotates between the four PCPL branches. Minutes and library locations are posted in each of the libraries.

In the event of inclement weather, an announcement pertaining to meeting cancellation will be made on this website.