The mission of the Park County Public Libraries is to educate, encourage, enlighten, and entertain its’ community members.
Mission Goals
- Collect and make available literature, facilities, and resources of interest and value to the communities served, and contribute to individual knowledge, awareness, recreation, and pleasure with:
- Friendly, prompt, and accurate service to all users.
- Computers and related facilities to meet patron needs.
- Information about library services, facilities, and collections to the communities.
- Encourage children and young adults to discover the joys of reading and the value of using libraries.
- Make available computer technology for serving the public’s needs and wishes with:
- Adequate computer services such as internet, wireless access, and reference sources.
- Assurance of ongoing professional development for the staff to maintain technological expertise.
- Provide safe, accessible, attractive libraries with a pleasant environment by maintaining current buildings and providing future expansion of facilities as appropriate.
- Develop and use a comprehensive volunteer program by:
- Encouraging individuals’ and groups of all ages to use their special capabilities.
- Continuing and expanding the contributions of the “Friends of the Library” groups.
- Provide programs to facilitate literacy and learning for all Park County residents.
Revised and approved by: PCPL Manager: Rita Mick 5.7.2023